Your journey starts here
Eating disorders tailor themselves to the individual and thus every one of my clients receives Recovery Coaching support that is individualised to them and most effectively meets their needs. This will be constantly evaluated throughout their recovery journey to ensure it remains relevant.
I know from my own experience that eating disorders don’t have office hours and that some of the most challenging work in recovery happens outside of therapy sessions. One of the key benefits of having a Recovery Coach is that I’m available to support you in ‘real time’ throughout the day in those moments where your eating disorder is in full force. I can be there to help bring you back to your Healthy Self and assist you in making choices that align with your goals and will get you closer to freedom rather than keeping you trapped in your eating disorder.
As your Recovery Coach I’m committed to helping you develop a ‘tool belt’ of effective skills, tools and strategies to replace any current disordered destructive patterns of behaviour that your eating disorder has introduced to your life.
Depending on your unique set of circumstances here are some examples of what I can help you with -
Setting goals in conjunction with your treatment team and helping you to achieve them
Identifying recovery sabotaging behaviours and overcoming them
Empowering you with the knowledge that you can change your brain and helping you to create new neural pathways
Discovering your ‘why’ in recovery (what you are fighting for) and giving you practical tools to keep that as a primary focus
Identifying and challenging your food rules and cultivating a sense of peace with all foods
Guidance on becoming a ‘conscious eater’
Developing a healthy intuitive relationship with exercise and movement
Healing the relationship you have with your body image through the implementation of various different strategies including the concepts of body neutrality and body acceptance
Implementing self compassion and self care practices into your daily life
Developing a strong sense of self worth
Devising strategies to help you feel your feelings and challenge your thoughts
Identifying and dispelling the fears that have been preventing you from letting go of your eating disorder
Learning how to harness your personality traits so that they can be used to your advantage in recovery rather than to fuel your eating disorder
Rediscovering your values and helping you to separate them from those of your eating disorder
Creating a life full of joy and purpose; a life free from your eating disorder
I’m also able to provide assistance in the following areas should you require it -
Meal support (at home and at restaurants/cafes)
Cooking meals
Grocery shopping
Wardrobe clear outs and clothes shopping
It’s important to note that as a Recovery Coach I do not replace treatment or therapy with licensed professionals rather I work as an adjunct to your existing treatment team.
Discussing the value of lived experience with the
Australian Minister for Health Greg Hunt
My Why
I battled Anorexia Nervosa for 15 years and very nearly lost my life to the illness. I was given up on by my treatment team and told to consider palliative care options. My miraculous recovery was a catalyst for a complete career change. I left my hometown of Auckland, New Zealand and moved to my ‘happy place’ - the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. Where I became determined to use my lived experience to help bring eating disorders out of the shadows and into the light. I dedicate my time to eating disorder advocacy and eating disorder recovery coaching. I help clients around the world to gain freedom from their eating disorders and reclaim their lives.
I believe that no matter how long or how hard someone’s journey with an eating disorder has been full recovery is always possible; I’m living proof of that.
If you would like to know more about working with me please book your free 15 minute consultation below.